When the pulse becomes strong, it is likely to ionize the gas, inducing special effects, such as photoionization-induced blueshift [1, 2]. It is important to take this effect into account in simulations, especially for strong pulses. Most previous work on gas-based nonlinear optics in hollow-core fibers are based on the Ammosov–Delone–Krainov (ADK) model due to its simple implementation [3-6]; however, the ADK model works the best only when the Keldysh parameter < 1/2 which is satisfied only by strong low-frequency fields. In our model, we implement the Perelomov-Popov-Terent’ev (PPT) model, which works for an arbitrary Keldysh parameter [7].
For more information, please see the supplement of our paper.

Photoionization-induced blueshift in He with different pulse energies from (a) our model and (b) Huang’s experiments [9].
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